
vision for empowerment center (vececab) | Programmes

child advocacy programme

Advocating for children’s right, protection and care to live in a conducive environment; Children should not be denied food, shelter or education. VECECAB intervenes by contacting community leaders and the individual members of the community to create awareness of children’s rights through seminars, workshop and conferences. We work hand in hand with paralegal officers to identify target children and their family needs to find workable solution.

Women advocacy programme

VECECAB advocates for women's right to property and fair treatment. Women are empowered with skills of income generating activities and also to adapt a financial saving culture by opening up financial accounts in community saving schemes and in commercial banks. This helps women to access loans which boost their businesses.

We also encourage illiterate women to join adult literacy programs. Such programmes in addition to becoming literate they are taught basic book keeping and records management. We promote girl child education and we discourage early marriages, child labour and child trafficking.

Youth empowerment programme

We established a Vocational Training Center, which is an educational and Training Project intended to empower and holistically skilling up youth through practical and vocational skills. The programme targets orphans and vulnerable youth, (hereinafter referred as “OVY”) who dropped out of primary or secondary school, those who never got a chance to attend formal education and those whose situation has dramatically, changed due to COVID-19 pandemic, and other family health related issues and it is no longer possible for them to come back to schools in order to attend formal education.

We allow youth to choose a trade of their choice depending on their preference, relevance, quality, access, ability, and market availability and in line with the Uganda Government’s Vision 2040, that embrace the policy of “Prosperity for All” and training resolve of “Skilling Uganda”. The VECECAB already trains students in three courses: tailoring/ Fashion Design and Carpentry and joinery/woodwork, Bricklaying, and building, providing them also with training in a business management, computer knowledge, English language, and sports.

Farming and agriculture for food security and income generation programme

We involve community members in agricultural activities such as livestock farming, piggery and poultry. This is done by getting fast growing breeds of livestock, and teaching members modern methods of farming through workshops and conferences and on site visits of model farms to hands on training. Other activities include: mushroom growing, drip irrigation, horticulture, vegetable gardening and bee keeping.

Health programme

We established a medical health center to increase access to crucial primary care, by reducing barriers such treatment costs, distance, lack of insurance for the patients. We educate community members about preventive care which reduced health related risks for all people of ages who need health care assistance at home. We also prevent dysfunction among the target population to reduce on the outbreak of diseases.

We work toward reducing health gaps caused by differences in race, ethnicity, location, social stations etc. We provide treatment for poor who cannot afford treatment at a reduced price, free counseling and HIV testing and referrals especially to people living with HIV/AIDS and affected families, Family planning education programs and immunization. We promote malaria control programs through Sensitization of the community members to use Mosquito Nets, Clear Bushes around Their Surroundings, And Fill Up Places With Stagnant Water Sources and also seeking treatment at an early stage and following doctor’s dvices.

Community Members Are Encouraged To Participate In Hygiene And Nutrition, Construction Of Toilets In Homes and In Schools. Communities Participate In Protection Of Community Springs In Order To Avoid Water Borne Diseases. We Also Discourage Our Community Members From Sharing Accommodation With Animals, An Act Which May Compromise Their Health.

Environment protection programme

We encourage community members on the need to protect the environment. We create awareness of implications of violation of environmental rights. Members are encouraged to plant trees, replace that have been cut especially when making charcoal. Members are encouraged to use energy saving techniques such as charcoal saving stoves.

Members are encouraged to recycle waste materials such as plant residues and kitchen peels to make briquettes. Innovative use of these materials is also encouraged such as the use of drinking straws to make mats, bracelets, bags etc. Waste paper is also used in making curtains and envelopes. In the process members are able to earn money that can improve their lively hood.